About Me and The Fat Dog

Who am I and who is the Fat Dog?   Good question, glad you asked.   I am Craig and the boss is Roxie, the English Bulldog.   As you can probably tell, I adore Roxie enough to name my business after her.   She rules the roost, so to say.  I wouldn’t have it any other way.   As for me, I am just a guy in a woodshop that believes our country has lost it’s way in many ways.  We spend our money on cheap Chinese products and expect them to last forever.  They don’t.  They may not even make it to your door in one piece.  So, I aim to fix that as much as one guy can by sending out quality handmade/handcrafted designs that are tested thoroughly before they ever leave the shop.   For example, our boot jacks.  I bought a boot jack off Amazon and it was pretty, but in less than two weeks, it snapped in half.  So I designed my own and put it together with the quality materials that it needed to last a lifetime.   I even stood on it with all my weight, see-sawing it back and forth to make sure it wouldn’t break even under massive force.  Then I used it for over a year to make sure it would hold up, and it did.  So I decided to make them for you. 

That is just one example of the difference between a quality product and something that might look good, but simply won’t last long.  Chinese products are a waste of money.  Yes, you will pay more for something that is made with quality USA materials, but in the long run, when you are still using it years later, it was the right purchase. The smart money purchase. But not only that, using the boot jack as the example again, I can customize/personalize your boot jack to fit exactly what you want.  Your name, dads name or even just dad, or anything you want.  That is how I roll.  

Anyway, I have two amazing grown kiddos (they will always be kiddos to me) and dogs. The profits from this woodshop goes to pay tuition for my daughter, so when you purchase from Roxie and I, you are helping support an actual family and not China or a big box store or Amazon.  So when you trade with us, we will make sure you are 100% satisfied.  We won’t be happy until you are happy.  

So if you need anything or have questions or requests about products, you can talk to me personally.  Just send me an email, or call/text.  I would love to talk to you about whatever you are interested in.  

Here is my contact info:

Email:  craig@fatdogtrading.com
Phone Number (voice or text):   903-390-6008